evidence that has been found and is currently stacked against you. We will show
you how to do that in a clear, convincing and concise method. We have organized
sections for dealing with the method you were caught by, whether it was via pace
car, laser, or radar. However, you should review all sections because they contain
bits and pieces of information that will be useful regardless of how you were
In order to keep them honest you will have to go to court and argue your case
intelligently. This sounds intimidating, and it is for the person who is not ready
and has not done their homework. You will be challenging professionals who do
this daily while you may do it once in your life.
The Court officials and Police Officers have a distinct advantage over you; they
realize what needs to be done, as well as how and when. Excuses and gimmicks
are not new to them; they have heard them all before. They have streamlined their
procedures to convict many, many people daily.
The prosecution must be able to document the accuracy of the measuring device
they use. If they use a radar gun, they must be able to document its accuracy as
well as that of the equipment that calibrated it. This is also the same with a
speedometer in the police car that you were paced by and also with the laser.
There are legal precedents for all of these, and we hope to give you the general
information on a trial, a background on how this legal strategy works, and specific
questions for each tracking device.,